I’m not a huge baseball fan like my husband, moves a bit too slowly for me–but I do love a good competition and can’t resist watching a fairy-tale match-up of underdogs in any sport. And boy was this game perfect. Neither team had advanced to the world series in decades, one hundred-eight years for one and seventy-one years for the other.
Of course fans Cubs fans are now ecstatic,
While the Indians slink away in bitter disappointment.
And as the election looms, some will be ecstatic and some will be bitterly disappointed.
Frankly, I’m appalled at the choice I have to make.
Has there ever been such a poor political showing? And we are supposed to choose between the lesser of two evils? I know what turns my stomach the most, but God says all sins are equal in his sight. Ugh…
Spiritually we have times of ecstatic joy and bitter disappointment.
We know of the preachers who had affairs. And the youth minister who had a sexual relationship with a minor in his youth group. And the college minister who is addicted to porn.
That once glistening pedestal looms empty,
The one of white marble and gold inlay you carved at their feet, as you have hung on their every word.
In the political realm we are used to being disheartened and deceived. But for some reason we seem to think it won’t happen in the Christian arena. That our leaders will search scripture and adhere to it faithfully. That behaviors will be above board and all will be rosy and tied up with a big red bow.
And then we discover, they have feet of clay just like us.
That Satan wreaks havoc in their lives too.
And they stumble and fall just like us,
And make bad decisions just like us.
And our stomach churns when the person we revered lets us down or makes controversial statements and uses their platform to influence for agendas and elections.
And our heart fractures and dies a bit each time someone of faith falters. With every crash, the body count of disillusioned souls stacks tall. And the lifeblood of faith drains away unchecked into the filthy streets of despair.
And hopes are dashed as we watch their backs disappear in the darkness,
As they walk away from Church,
And walk away from God.
And the heavens weep woeful tears of anguish.
But we must remember, politicians and spiritual leaders will come and go. When one falters and flames out, God will raise up another. “The Kingdom is the Lord’s, and He rules over the nations.” Ps 22:8
We cannot place our faith in people. They will always let us down.
Cheryl told me a joke she heard from her grandson.
“What do you call a cow that doesn’t give milk?
A Milk Dud.”
And I chuckled and thought, even when life is a “dud”, I have hope in a God who rules faithful and true and will never let me down.
“For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.” Ps 33:4
-Pray for peace, pray for our country and vote for the issues, not for the person.