Life is Not Fair




The verdict, cold and hollow rang through the room. Swirling and spinning it echoed off the walls in gleeful triumph.

The devastated family and friends huddled tearfully together in disbelief. The letters  from his employer and church family, testifying to his devout Christianity and devotion to his family, fell on deaf ears.

Just weeks ago they were a normal family of four working hard to make ends meet but solidly bound together by their love.

The two bewildered children clung to their weeping mother as their father was escorted from the room and from their lives. The paternal grandfather hovered close.

The crushing blow was almost too much to take.

The memory of that night was a nightmarish blur. Policemen with guns drawn, yelling, and a scuffle ensued as they arrested this mild mannered family man for drug possession in front of his terrified family.

An “anonymous” caller had tipped them off to a drug stash in his truck. Left unlocked, it was easy for someone to stash the small bag under the seat. Whether they intended to involve him or were really evil enough to not care if he was ripped from his family and locked up will never be known.

With a concussion, deeply bruised ribs, and in terrible pain, the ruthless interrogation continued through the night. He was brutally told that if he didn’t admit to the charge of drug possession he could be sentenced to life and his wife would be arrested next. Beaten down and desperate to protect his family, he confessed to a crime he didn’t commit.

He gave away his life to save his family.

Where is the fairness in this? There is no fairness when dealing with Satan’s plots. Yet the faith of this father is astounding. He is now sharing his beliefs with bible studies from a jail cell instead of from a construction site.

God is looking out for that precious clan. His family is surrounded by caring people. Their church family has rallied around them providing meals along with spiritual and monetary support.

His father has moved into the family home. He gave up his life and job in another state to move to Oklahoma to help. He takes the kids to school, picks them up and tries to be a moral support while this harried mom finishes school and works full-time in health care to try to make ends meet. Two salaries instantly shrank to one.

The little girl still cries every night for her Daddy,  and the boy’s eyes bear a sadness that should not be seen in one so young. The mother’s scars run deep beneath the surface as she puts on a brave face each day, being faithful and strong for her family.

Not every story has a happy ending, hopefully this one will. But a life of faith in the face of great odds is worthy, of a crown in glory,

the REAL happy ending.


Psalms 13:2,5-6-How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart: How long will my enemy triumph over me?…But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.

-Are you or do you know someone who is going through hard times?

-Thank God for being with you and pray for strength to withstand current and future trials.




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