Let’s face it, I’m really mad at Eve.
She had it all.
She was most certainly lovely, created in the image of God himself.
She was surrounded by the beauty of a pristine world.
Unmarred by “progress”,
Unblemished by glut and greed,
Unfettered by the chains of evil.
She didn’t have to work,
She could play, or rest and relax in her own lush garden all she wanted.
And she had the perfect guy. The one God created just for her as he carefully and majestically molded her from his rib.
The animals milled unafraid around her feet,
The birds sang her a song of eternal spring.
Did she ride bareback on the giraffe? Or fly across the land on a zebra? Did she pet the lions and play with their cubs? Did she wonder if she would someday hold a child of her own? Did she feed the antelope from her hand and speak to the eagles who perched beside her?
It all sounds so perfect because it was, so what happened?
Did she get bored? Did she feel entitled? Special? So special that she became self-important enough to trust only in herself?
Was that what made her so susceptible to the serpent?
Was he that sly? Or had she become arrogant enough to think that she knew best?
That she could’t trust God?
That somehow the serpent was the trustworthy one?
What does that say about us when we take matters into our own hand? When our patience has worn thin and we decide God moves too slowly and we need answers now.
We say with our actions—We don’t trust God.
Because let’s face it, when we run ahead of God instead of waiting on him, we are announcing to the world, “I know best…”
Just like Eve did. With results just like Eve,
Her disastrous choice changed her world and ours FOREVER.
Did she hesitate as she plucked the fruit from that tree? Did she smile or did she shudder as her teeth pierced the skin. An echo that reverberated centuries later in the pierced flesh of God’s own son.
Created in a foolish second—a world in desperate need of a Savior.
And as the broken days of life flow by, we must learn to fill the void in our hearts with him,
To breathe
To live life to the fullest
To survive.
Proverbs 12:15 The way of fools seems right to them but the wise listen to advice.
-Think of a time that you have been foolish and run ahead of God?
-Pray for patience and open ears to heed his words.