Trapped in a Fallen World



A sweet retired gentleman excitedly approached me Sunday morning.

“You’ve got to see this!”

On Sunday donut and coffee duty and with a line beginning to form, I couldn’t look immediately. But curiosity soon got the better of me.

He said “Look out on the private patio and you’ll see.”

I heard them first as I neared the window.

“Peep, peep, peep.”

Enchanted, I stared at the nine teeny baby ducks.

The Preacher taught a bible study Saturday morning until eleven. No babies appeared before he left, so these hatchlings were less that twenty-four hours old.

The precious little fuzz balls followed their moma mallard devotedly.

Loyal, blind trust. 

Ignorant to the truth–until wings grew and stamina increased, all were trapped. 

Innocent to the fact–no way out of the brick-walled courtyard, except through the classroom, or by flight over the eight foot high fence.

Inexperienced in knowledge–A full eight weeks must elapse before fragile wings could spread bold and fly out of a prisonish home.IMG_4879

We live trapped in a fallen world.

At times we stroll around in our own bubble unaware like the ducks, hiding out in a flimsy patio of refuge. A refuge impossible to last forever.

Sometimes our refuge shatters loud as we unwittingly become ensnared in traps or the bad decisions of others. But many times   webs of our own making entangle us.

We endeavor to control the uncontrollable,  (friends, co-workers, family)

We desire things of the world, (Taking on more and more debt.)

We covet the success of others. (Why them, and not me?)

Our poor choices lead to uncomfortable and even painful consequences.

Her sweet red-haired toddler fell into trouble at school. He looked up at her with big serious eyes and said,

“I made a bad decision today Mama.”

The wisdom of a three-year old.

In the midst of our own trials and brick walls, we have to hold on to the the fact that God is there. He is growing our wings, nurturing and stretching us until that day he tells us it’s time.

Time to leave this sphere once and for all, and fly to his arms for our reward with him forever.


James 1:13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.


-We all make poor choices from time to time. Can you think of one that still haunts you?


-Pray for peace. Know that he will always walk us through the earthly pain and someday take us away from it all.


One Comment

  1. Sharon Estes

    Loved your devotional!! What a web we weave for ourselves when we have a Saviour ready to rescue us!!
    I am So glad to know about your blog!! Thanks for sharing your talent!!

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